

Call Me Unpatriotic

I don't get American Idol.
I don't like American Idol.
I don't want to talk about American Idol.

What the hell is wrong with me?


Stan said...

Just do like I do and pretend you've never heard of it.

ren said...

yeah, me either. i don't want to talk about top model, or top designer, or top chef or any of those either. and i don't want to listen to anyone else talk about them...but i still do. sigh.

Anonymous said...

Just one more reason I think you're cool!
(I can't get into that stuff either)

Jodi said...

Stan: That's a good one. I may use that!

Ren: You are a much nicer person than I am!

The Mad Doctor said...

I convince myself that hearing the reality tv babble about the office will one day help me win some sort of trivia prize resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Then I put down the crack pipe and shut my office door.

get zapped said...

Ditto! You must have a life....

Unknown said...

You can be like me and live in France to avoid American Idol (Except there is the French equivalent).

Joanne said...

Absolutely nothing is wrong with you! :) I loathe American Idol and I hate it when people try to talk to me about it. I also hate that it sucks up 3 nights per week of programming that could be something better.

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