

"Dunder Mifflin, this is Jodi..."

Went to Scranton today. It was rainy and kind of cold, like you'd expect.


See more photos here. Read about it here and here.


Anonymous said...

That is all we get??? lol

Nanette said...

Yup, Scranton weather was awful, but the people sure were nice!

SJ said...

Hmm, yes, exactly lives up to my expectations of - uh - Scranton ;)

Chris said...

We are all very jealous...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun day. It's kind of lost on me because I don't watch TV, but it still looks like you had fun.

K. Marie said...

I found you an early Happy Easter present, Jodi. :-)

I haven't visited in a while, but playing catch-up, my answer to your playing outdoors as kids question: I was an only child, living on a cattle feedlot in Nebraska. I explored with my dog -- we'd walk through pastures, splash in creeks (that's "crick" to Nebraskans), swim in clay-bottomed ponds. I went to a country school with about 10 other kids, mostly boys. We'd get together sometimes to play hide and seek games that spanned an entire farm -- hiding in the hay, in farm equipment, in feed bunks for livestock. My best friend, Andy, lived on this farm and even had his own horse, but he never rode it and preferred to play Nintendo, which I'd tolerate for a while before insisting we go outside. I can't imagine letting my kids do the stuff I did -- wandering about for hours unattended, far from home. But it's sad we can't do that, too.

SJ said...

Admit it, how many candies did you steal?

Jodi said...

>karenna: Thanks! Cool painting.

>s.j.: None! I swear! I did pick up the candy dispenser and considered it, but I just put it back down.

Anonymous said...

That picture of you at work is awesome. Your office looks like a nice place to work.

Anonymous said...

So freakin' awesome!

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