

End Of The Summer

As I mentioned before, this was the first Labor Day weekend in years that I didn't have to work. Due to the raging head cold I'd contracted last week, I slept most of it away. Not that I'm complaining about that. I did manage to catch two great shows at The Hollywood Bowl and see a few friends. Unfortunately, it was really, really HOT again this weekend, so I did not do much outdoors. There were even warnings for one of the days to stay in if at all possible.

When I realized yesterday that it was the last official day of Summer, I decided I wanted to go to the beach. E and I berated ourselves for not going more at all this summer. We got a late start, but it ended up being perfect. Since we prefer to go to the beaches north of Malibu, it does take awhile to get there, but we traveled against traffic and made good time. We went to Westward Beach and hiked up to Point Dume to watch the sun set over the Pacific. Just prior to and after sunset, we spotted quite a few dolphins fairly close to shore, which was an added bonus. Afterwards, we treated ourselves to a seafood dinner at The Reel Inn in Malibu.

One of the great things about being in Southern California is that the summer is far from over and there will be many more opportunities to spend some time at the beach.


Anonymous said...

i am soooo jealous! i am enjoying living vicariously through you, though. pick out a good seashell for me next time you're at the beach!

madretz said...

Dolphins!?! How cool!!!

Chris said...

Yeah, yeah, rub it in. :-)

Here in Alabama, we're just barely getting out of "too hot to step outside your house" season.

I love off-season beaches, though...

Scribe LA said...

Hey Jodi,

I like the redesign - looks great!
I don't think the Zach Braff thing will be regular, but he may do it again with his promo of The Last Kiss. If you want to stream the station, the address is:

Yeah, Braff has great taste in music.
Thanks for your hugs for my kitty.

Jodi said...

acmcclendon: It may be another year before we go back! I hope not though.

madretz: Yes! Dolphins! It was cool to see so many. I'm dying to check out my photos to see if I captured any.

chris: Off-season beach? Does not compute...oh, sorry, rubbing it in again...

scribe la: Thanks! and You're Welcome.

Anonymous said...

Like the new look.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I second that. I really like the new look as well!

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