

Treasure Bought And Found

Today was gorgeous...mid-70's, fairly clear air with blue sky and a few wispy clouds. We took advantage of the weather and went to Pasadena for the Rose Bowl Flea Market, which we hadn't been to in months. E was looking for old photos for a stereoscope he picked up recently. Most of the ones we found were a bit pricey, so the only thing he bought was a tin toy ray gun at the bargain price of $5. I was searching for a megaphone, just to photograph, but didn't find that or anything I wanted to purchase. It's pretty typical to see a celebrity or two browsing the aisles and indeed, we saw Illeana Douglas there this afternoon. Oh, and there is usually some kind of "theme" or things we see repeatedly throughout the venue. Sometimes it's stuffed deer heads or decoy ducks. This time it was monkeys and cowboy boots. I really hoped to find a monkey wearing cowboy boots before we had to leave, but it didn't happen.

"Shorty," Rose Bowl Flea Market greeter

After just about walking our feet off on the grounds of the Rose Bowl, we headed over to the Heritage Square Museum. I'm not sure that a lot of people know about it. We only discovered it recently, when E was driving south on the 110 Freeway from Pasadena and noticed several Victorian structures off to his left. Heritage Square has eight buildings that were originally located elsewhere in Los Angeles. Some have been restored, while others have not. We went on a group tour, which allowed entrance into several of the buildings. It was fascinating and educational. I definitely recommend it for anyone who is interested in local architecture dating back to 1850. We were inspired to follow our tour with a drive to historic West Adams to look at the architecture in that area. Another recommened place to visit and see some stunning, restored Victorian residences is Carroll Avenue in Angelino Heights.

The Hale House, Heritage Square


ren said...

hmm...we were there too! didn't see you or illyana but we did see drew barrymore.

Jodi said...

Yeah, I figured you guys were there much earlier than we were. And yeah, always a celebrity sighting. Some others I remember seeing in the past are Kirstie Alley and Cameron Diaz.

SJ said...

How many fleas did you buy?

Jodi said...

>S. Jones: No fleas were purchased, but something did bite me at the museum. Hmmmm...

madretz said...

That sounds like an awesome tour. Hope to do it someday. Love architecture. Thanks for the info!

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