

Quality Rodent Time

A friend at work asked me today if I still like my hamster. WTF? Of course I still like him! I told her that I actually kind of miss him because I haven't had a chance to play with him very much for the past couple of weeks. This led to loud exclamations such as "You are the biggest dork I know!" Yeah, yeah I get that at least once a week. This same friend and another co-worker started talking about what horrible experiences they had with hamsters. They were clearly traumatized. I guess I got a good one.

I was able to take Ami out of his cage tonight and let him run around in the bathtub a bit. Here are a couple of videos. The first is Ami stuffing broccoli into his cheek pouches. In the other one, he is nibbling on a tiny corn cob. And yes, Jenn, that is the little dish I won in one of your contests. I'm sorry.


Anonymous said...

He is so adorable. Very cute videos.

Brenda Griffith said...

Man he can really pack it in! He looked like a python inhaling a pig going after hat broccoli! Hasn't anyone ever told him "Never Ea Anything Bigger Than Your Head"? ( )

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