The time had arrived. I was set to see my first "real" Barenaked Ladies show. The others before were great, but not full concerts. Butterflies danced excitedly in my stomach that spring of 1996. I planned what to wear and learned all the songs. I knew it would be special.
We located a great spot to stand. Good view of the stage. I impatiently listened to the opening band. Come on already! The lights dimmed and the fans screamed. I danced and I sang. Listening to the music, watching the antics, I did not notice the drunk guy get onto the stage.
Caught up in the fun
I did not see him diving
Then flat on my back
He dove off of the stage and landed right on me. Knocked the wind out of me. Scared me a bit too. With help, I managed to get to my feet. The show went on. I was shaken, but will never forget Ed, on guitar, mouthing to me, "Are you okay?" I was and I wasn't.
My night had become more memorable than planned. For the last part of the show, I was a bit distracted. Noticed in the paper that they were playing a venue further south the next day. I thought it would be nice to truly enjoy an entire concert from start to finish.
Decided last minute
To go to San Diego
For another show
The best part of course
Was meeting the band after
Just down to earth guys
Me and Ed Robertson, Tower Records, 1996
I've seen Barenaked Ladies perform live several times since. They always put on a great show, but there is something about that one at the American Legion Hall in Hollywood that I will always remember. It was back when fans still threw "Kraft Dinner" during "If I Had A Million Dollars" and I remember having macaroni imprints on my legs and back. It was during that song that the guy dove on top of me. I was distracted by Steve Page who was dancing around with an umbrella on stage. A couple of friends were further back in the theater and said they saw the crowd near the stage part as the guy jumped, but it took me by complete surprise. I got to laugh with the band about the next night, which was great fun.
Hopefully nothing of that variety will happen at the on November 29th!
What a great story, well told via haibun!
Oooh November 29th, BNL. Have a GREAT time!
Well, I'd never heard of Bare Naked Ladies, but as soon as you mentioned that song I knew it - my daughter went through a phase of playing it over and over on her computer :)
Your prose is very entertaining and I enjoyed the haiku too.
Cool haibun and haiku. I've enjoyed your Monday concert memoirs and you know I enjoy the haiku so putting 'em together is doubly delicious. :) I need to get back in the haiku track.
This is a great story!
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