

One of the perks of living in a city like Los Angeles is that you have a lot of opportunities to meet celebrities you may admire. So, tonight I'm going to take advantage and head over to Japan L.A.'s Christmas Party to meet Hello Kitty! Why not? It sounds silly, fun, and even a bit festive.


I'm looking forward to checking out the JapanL.A. shop, which is something I've been meaning to do. Anyone else in?


Anonymous said...

A few years ago there was an art exhibit called "Hello Kitty Gets a Mouth". Did you see that one? We missed it, but it sounded like fun. Something about Hello Kitty having no mouth was supposed to be a metaphor for women in Japan.

madretz said...

Fun! I would so be there if I weren't 6 hours away.

Anonymous said...

EEEEEEE! i wish i could! i am elsewhere tonight but take pictures for me!

Anonymous said...

Give Kitty big kisses for me!

Anonymous said...

do they have japanese snacks at that store? i love japanese snacks - where else can you get prawn flavored "french fries" in really cool packaging.

Anonymous said...

Damn. I wanna go with you. I've seen her before though. I mean, I worked at a Hello Kitty store for years, so, you know. Giant kitty. Seen her.

Anonymous said...

Cool. I'm not much for Hello Kitty stuff, but it sounds like a lot of fun.

Thomas said...

Hello from Seattle.

Yvett said...

Sooooooooooo jealous!

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