

Now Playing: Golden Star Shorts Fest

The Golden Star Shorts Fest has opened! It's the inaugural year of this event showcasing short films from around the world. If anyone is local and looking for something to do this weekend, it's taking place at the historic Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood.

This festival is important because four of my husband Eric's short films, The American Infant, The Ends of the Alphabet, The Switch, and the super-short Serial Killer Cereal, are screening there. We were pretty astounded that they decided to program everything he submitted.

If anyone makes it to any of the programs, be sure to say 'hi.'


SJ said...

That's great news about the films. If I could I would. But, you know - it's a bit far :)

Jodi said...

Aw shucks, Ian, thanks!

Chris said...

So, how did it go? Good attendance and reactions?

Jodi said...


Thanks for asking.

It went well. Poor attendance overall for the size of the theater. We had no takers on our extra (free) tickets. It was the festival's first year though, so hopefully it will grow. The response to Eric's films was pretty positive overall. He didn't win any awards, but the fact that they programmed 4 of his shorts was recognition enough. Plus, one of the jury members is a really good friend of his, so yeah, that wouldn't have looked so good.

Probably the best thing was meeting some great people, several of whom are local. We're getting together with a couple of them this coming Friday in fact.

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