1. Ok, say you were having a dinner party and you could invite any 5 (living and real) people in the world, who would you invite?
-Peter Gabriel
-Viggo Mortensen
-Kurt Vonnegut
-Eddie Izzard
-Julie Andrews
-Jim Henson
-John Lennon
-Charles Darwin
-Leonardo da Vinci
-Ron Weasley
-Capt. Jack Sparrow - got to have at least one drunk!
-Atticus Finch
-Napoleon Dynamite
This is a very hard question for me as I am a somewhat picky eater AND a people pleaser. I can only imagine the stress. I wouldn't want to serve things guests don't like or are offended by. Yikes, the pressure! I think I'd have to go one of two routes. Either I'd just do a barbecue (and include some things like veggie kabobs and burgers) or have a Chinese food meal catered. There are lots of options with that cuisine and almost everyone likes it.
5. What would the centerpiece on the table be?
An unscented candle or candles.
6. What kind of music would you play?
Something mellow and not too loud so we could converse. Maybe something like Pat Metheny.
7. Say all your guests were shy, what would you say to spark a conversation?
That would be a big problem, as I can be shy at times myself. I don't think I'd have to worry about that, but say that I did, I'd ask if anyone has read any good books lately.
8. What would you serve for dessert?
Fruit tart, marshmallows to toast (if I went with the barbecue), and mint chocolate chip ice cream, just because I like it.
9. Let’s make it dinner AND a movie. What movie would you suggest?
Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog. It is a beautiful and compelling documentary. It is mostly observational without being too judgemental. I think it is a fascinating look at what happens when man crosses the line with nature. It would be great for creating ongoing discussion.
10. I see you need to get yukky candy for your trick or treaters, what do you think you’ll get that you won’t eat but won’t make kids hate you?
Something sour. Kids like that stuff and I don't.
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