

And as I try to make my way to the ordinary world, I will learn to survive

It's been one of those weeks. Stressful, confusing, depressing, but also good and even quite exciting at times. Quite a roller coaster. Between one pet's near death experience, another being scheduled for surgery next week, and some other unpleasantness, to put it mildly, I'm spent. On top of it all, I got run down and caught the sinus germs my co-workers were spreading around and am here at home, in bed, instead of on the road to Vegas for CES, as I was scheduled to be. Bummer.

Okay, enough with the wah, wah, poor me though. Like I said, some good things are happening too, reminding me that there is some balance in life. It's never all bad and I will not spend my time only focusing on the crappy stuff. Soon, I'll be making an announcement here about the best thing that happened for me this week, which has helped squash my pessimism.

One fun thing I started this past week is a couple of photo projects for the coming year. For a couple of different flickr groups, I'll be experimenting and hopefully gaining some skills with photographing Little Guy and Rusty once a week. Here are the first two shots:

My creation

Back to bed for me so I can get healthy soon.


Darlene said...

Aw... feel better soon! Looking forward to the announcement soon.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon. Sorry to hear about the stressful week but will await to hear the god news too. I love the photo on the right - captures the curiosity factor so well.

Will said...

Love the doggie pics, I hope things get better soon.

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