

Brain Overload

I was up super early today, normally my day off, to go to a continuing education course in the O.C. I go back tomorrow and Sunday as well. It was an informative day in which I learned new things and validated some things that I already do. I actually stayed awake for all of the lectures, even when the a/c broke in the afternoon, causing the auditorium to heat up.

I'm attending the class with one of my favorite co-workers, which makes it fun. Even if we did get rear-ended on the way home this evening. Her car, not mine. Only a scraped bumper, which she did not seem too concerned about. I'm driving tomorrow, so I'm hoping for a little less excitement.


Anonymous said...

Hope the course is stimulating for you, the a/c gets fixed and no rear ending events happen.

Anonymous said...

Dude. I am watching your NaBloPoMo stats. You have exactly one hour to left to post today...

Oh wait. It's Daylight Saving tonight. DAMMIT.

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