

I Left My Voice In San Diego

The San Diego Comic-Con has come and gone for another year. As I predicted, I definitely had quite a different experience this time. And I have to say that overall, it was really great. Sure there was the heat, the really annoying guy (who I found out goes by "Spanky," which is information I wish I'd had two days ago), and the expensive con food, but those things just come with the territory, I suppose.

I was overwhelmed by the postive feedback we received at the Tired Girl Collective table. There were a lot of compliments on our set up and tons of sales! I sold out of buttons and books (only a few were to friends!) and Ren sold out of most of her stuff too. We also moved several of Sherri's short stories and all of the paintings her mom contributed. A stunning success. I really did not know what to expect and was a bit down after not selling a single book on Thursday. I did remind myself that most people "look, but don't buy" on that day, but was still a bit discouraged. Things turned around though.

I really only went to a couple of panels this year, but made it to the one I really wanted to see, which was for Battlestar Galactica. Since I got there a bit early, I caught the end of a Superman panel with Richard Donner and others. I did attend The Animation Show, which was fun. I honestly didn't miss sitting in a bunch of discussions this year, which might be because there did not seem to be as many good ones. Oops, and I caught the end of Kevin could I forget that?

This was the third year in a row that Eric had a film screen at the Con. It was well received by the audience and he had a brief Q&A. I usually watch more of the festival, but I was having more fun at the table.

One of the best things of the entire convention was meeting new people (like the cool boys who were on the other side of our table from Spanky), meeting bloggy friends in person, and seeing some friends who live out of state. I also bought many books, a couple of tote bags, and a few t-shirts. I possibly spent less money this year though since I didn't even make it to a lot of the vendors, meaning fewer impulse purchases. I took a bunch of photos and am slowing uploading them to flickr.

On the health front, I am feeling much, much better and just have this annoying residual cough. I went to San Diego with a somewhat sexy, Demi Moore-ish voice I was left with after my illness, but now have full-blown laryngitis. I can whisper and I occasionally have a squeaky noise emerge. So, if anyone reading this is expecting a phone call from me, just forget about it for now. Hopefully, before too long, I'll have my annoying, high-pitched voice back.

I had really hoped to write a much more exciting Comic-Con post, but apparently my brain is still recovering. I'm definitely feeling a special kind of tired and am so glad I'm not back to work until Wednesday.


Chris said...

I'm looking forward to seeing all of your pictures so I can experience it vicariously - maybe next year!

Hope you get your voice back, but at least you can type :-)

Scribe LA said...

YAY. Sounds awesome. I know less than nothing about comics and the world of the Comi-Con, but am now so intrigued... I will have to go next year. And the whole Demi Moore-ness thing? As long as you're rocking her haircut from Ghost, it totally works! Glad to know you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad it went so well. My copy of the book should be here today, I am very excited :)

Glad you are feeling better, hope you get voice back real soon.

K. Marie said...

Happy to hear you're feeling better than dead now.

So, uh ... time to out my inner geekdom (or rather that with which I'm matrimonial associated). You at all into the "Firefly" phenom? My husband has been a huge fan of the canceled show-turned-movie since before the pilot aired. Since moving to Salt Lake, he's found "others," those closer to the fire, those who dress up and have special get-togethers to rewatch episodes and tape documentaries about how much they loved this damn doomed show. It was a Utahn who started up the national advertising campaign to keep the show on Fox, which didn't succeed but might have helped it win production on the big screen.

Anyway ... a Provo boy (that's BYU town) produced his own documentary about fans. And, um, well ... I guess it screened at Comic Con. And my hubby's in it. *runs and hides*

ren said...

i don't have much of a voice either. and people just keep asking me questions.

and i am toast. total toast.

Jodi said...

Mrs. Toast, Ren?

Karenna...I'll get back to you, off-blog!

Jodi said...

Karenna: I realized I don't know how to contact you off-blog,, I'm not so much into "Firefly." My husband loved the series (and "Serenity") and keeps begging me to watch the dvds. That's about it though. Unfortunately, we didn't see any films at Comic Con other than his own, so we missed your husband's appearance. Darn!

Yeah, I've become much more of a geek via marriage. I'm actually considering going to a local "Battlestar Galactica" convention in a few months. No, I can't...but I might...egads!!!

K. Marie said...

I would go to that Battlestar Galactica convention, so you should, too. But I wouldn't dress up in backwards tanktops. I swear.

You should give in and give Firefly a try. The snarky part of you will feel fulfilled with a Zen quality, my hand to the gods of snark.

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