


I ''let'' Ami escape, at least briefly, from his temporary holding pen while his regular habitat was drying. Look how he squishes up his face when I grab him...too cute! He looks really fat and fluffy. I'm thinking he maybe has some sort of "winter coat," but I'm still learning about this type of pet.

I just thought Jenn needed more hamster!


SJ said...

... of course you know what happened to a hamster of mine when I let it escape...

Jodi said...

Yeah, SJ, I know...I try not to think about that and I make sure Ami doesn't actually escape.

Anonymous said...

Ami is so cute! I think Ami and Ginger would have such cute kids...

K. Marie said...

I pity the people who find all rodents terrifying, 'cause that is one damn heaping pile of cute right there.

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