

The 2006 That Was

Happy New Year!

I'm borrowing the idea of a year-in-review post with photos from a certain Ambitious Hamster. I hope she doesn't mind.


Eric and Jodi <span onclick=

Having missed our annual Thanksgiving at Disneyland in 2005, Eric and I spent the first day of 2006 at the Happiest Place on Earth. We also made a trip to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The ASIMO demo was fantastic. I won a plush one!

#36More Snow

The end of the month meant a long drive to Park City, Utah for our second year attending the Sundance Film Festival. Once again, we had a really good time even though I unfortunately lost my Jack Skellington hat there.


Dr. Peepers

I volunteered at a Darwin Day celebration. So did Dr. Peepers (above).

Ami Peeking Out My New Camera

On Valentine's Day my hamster, Ami, came to live with me. We thought he was a girl. For our 11th anniversary, E gave me my Sony H1 camera.


Jamie <span onclick=Katee <span onclick=

We attended several evenings of the William S. Paley Television Festival.

Ben Lee

Ben Lee performed an intimate show at The Silent Movie Theatre. I was glad I got to be there.


Ray Bradbury

I went to an event where Ray Bradbury spoke.

Hamster Power

Ami got a motorcycle.

The Aftermath

I made an Egg Peepunny (probably my first and last).


Rusty and <span onclick=

Rusty and I went to Nuts for Mutts with our friend Hidalgo.


I spent an afternoon with a friend I hadn't seen for 20 years.

Hamster Ball Derby!

Ami participated in, and won, his first Hamster Ball Derby.


The Drive-in That Drives In

I helped Eric at one of his Hollywood MOBile MOVie drive-ins.

<span onclick=

We also attended the outdoor DogFest Film Festival with Rusty.


Popcorn Fountain

Philippe Neon

We took in some movies at the L.A. Film Fest and went on a Neon Tour of Los Angeles.

Hamster Haiku Tired Girl Collective

I self-published a book, Hamster Haiku, that I sold with the Tired Girl Collective at the San Diego Comic Con.

Darth Vera

My photo of Darth Vera from Comic Con was linked on Boing Boing.
(The funny thing is that I just recently found out the person in the costume is an acquaintance of mine!)


Stewart Copeland

We went to a screening of Everyone Stares: The Police Inside Out, with a Q&A with Stewart Copeland.


Hollywood Bowl Fireworks Finale

We said goodbye to John Mauceri at the Hollywood Bowl's Fireworks Finale.

Ami And His Blue Ribbon

Ami defended his Hamster Ball Derby title at the local Petco!

My New Ride

I got a new car, which I still haven't taken a better photo of!



The month started off with my birthday and dinner at Roscoe's.

Big Bear Lake

We made a trip, with the dogs, to Big Bear Lake.



My sweet Cosette turned 14. You can check out a tribute I did for her here.

Rusty And Me

E, Rusty, and I went to the Doo Dah Parade with some friends.

Pilgrim Mickey

We spent a magical Thanksgiving with friends at Disneyland.

<span onclick=There's Nothing Left That Won't Cross Over

Barenaked Ladies rocked my socks off!
(And I got my second link on Boing Boing--technically in December!)


The 'Rents

Spent some quality time in Las Vegas with my parents.

Hello Kitty & Me
Photo by Eric.

I met Hello Kitty.

Magical Christmas Caroling TruckSnowy Santa

I enjoyed the holidays with the Magical Christmas Caroling Truck, Eric, and good friends!

There was obviously more to 2006 than I documented here, but these are some of the things I photographed. If you are already here, you know where to find more info. You can also check out my photos on flickr and my photoblog, if you wish. Happy 2007!


TiggerLarue said...

Happy New Year!

SJ said...

Darth Vera always makes me laugh :)

Oooh! I just had an idea for one!

Jodi said...

I know, Jenn, I suck. I should have at least including meeting your Mom. My bad.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! I'm so glad you really take advantage of living in LA. Makes me realize how boring it is around here...

Nanette said...

I puffy <3 this post! So cute!

Scribe LA said...

Thanks for the holiday and New Year wishes! Cheers for a beautiful 2007, Jodi:-)
Let's meet up for coffee soon to discuss our adventures.

K. Marie said...

My 4-yr-old thanks you immensely for the video you posted earlier of the Magical Christmas Caroling Truck! (OK, and I watched it a few times, too.)

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