

10 Days In The Life...

In the past 10 days, I have attended:

21 and ½ short films

8 documentaries

7 narrative features

1 super kawaii Japanese animated feature

1 panel with effects guru Dennis Murin


1 robot laden Michael Bay explode-a-ganza.

3 of these films were followed by free parties.

In addition, I squeezed in:

2 live shows by The Police

2 shows at The Hollywood Bowl (one of which featured a movie!)

I also:

Took hundreds of photos, some of which I may upload someday.

Keep in mind that I was working full-time all along as well. I will start crying if I list all of the things I needed to get done, but either didn’t or have not even started. I'll think about that after The Hollywood Bowl tonight.


Anonymous said...

i'm exhausted just reading your list...

madretz said...

Wow! You're my hero, it doesn't even seem like there's enough time in 10 days to do all that. I'll bet that near the top of your list of things to do is sleep.

Nanette said...

Is that Michael Bay film you're referring to the super mega cool robot one that's coming out Wednesday???? If so, how was it???

Anonymous said...

Wow ... busy little bee that you are. Good for you, have fun.

Mandy said...

your first commentator just said was I was about to say so I won't.

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