

Do You Wanna See What's In My Dog?

I got pictures of what's in his hips, I got pictures of what's in his hips. They took 'em in Burbank and I brought 'em back with me to North Hollywood...


Will Campbell said...

When our cat Bink took an unexplained and severe healthdive in 2006, we took him in for an x-ray and in addition to an enlarged liver, the doctor pointed at a bright round spot near his hip on the x-ray and told us what that was: a round from a pellet gun!

Apparently prior to being adopted some farker shot Bink when he wasn't much more than a kitten in the leg and he'd been carrying the bullet around in the muscle all these years.

I wanted it out but the doc said it wasn't hurting anything so Bink, who subsequently recovered, still carries the shrapnel.

CarneyFarm said...

Remarkable, I have never seen a dog xray.

Darlene said...

I'm glad to see there are no foreign objects in his stomach like say a toy car.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to look for but his bones seem a little bent? Is that the poor wee ones arthritis?

Jodi said...
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Jodi said...

There's not really much to see in the xray. Just shows a little hip arthritis, not too bad. The title/line is actually taken from Ben Folds song and twisted a bit. He fell off of a stage in Japan and wrote a song about it...

"Do you wanna see what's in my head? I got pictures of what's in my head. They took 'em in Tokyo and I brought 'em back with me to the USA...."

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