

It's My Birthday Too!

So, Little Guy and I shared a birthday last week. I got lots of birthday wishes and some FABULOUS gifts from a variety of people.

I also got a couple of very generous and already-spent gift cards, a lunch with co-workers, cupcakes, and ice cream cake. I feel fortunate & loved.


madretz said...

totally jealous of the tokidoki stuff

Anonymous said...

Great birthday gifts! Love the phone :) The picnic backpack is way cool!!

Sizzle said...

I love that picnic bag. So handy! Hmmm, must put that on my birthday list. So what if it isn't until April.

Glad it was a good one!

Anonymous said...

omg! What cool stuffs! HB again!

ren said... present is STILL sitting on my counter. sorry. like i said, the longer it takes me to get it to you, the more i must care...right?

TiggerLarue said...

Oooooh....well happy birthday to you too!!! Hope it was a great one!

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday! those look like some excellent prezzies.

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! Happy Belated Birthday to you! Those pressies look cool. Spooky thing ... when I was on hols last week, I saw a tote bag and I immediately thought of you. I bet it was on your birthday. I shoulda got it for you ... only I didn't know where to send it. Next time huh!

girlzoot said...

Happy Birthday from ever ago, I adore the cactusy Hello Kitty bag, very cute.

Yvett said...

Happy belated birthday! You're what now, 21, right?

Your gifts are awesome. I'm dying for some Hello Kitty/Tokidoki stuff.

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