

Nighttime Sniffling, Sneezing, Coughing, Aching, Fever...

I wish there was a fun explanation for the lack of posts around here lately like I've been off traveling the world or something. But, in reality, it's nothing exciting or fun at all. E is recovering from a 12-day bout of bronchitis. Due to his illness, we were pushed up to the last weekend to do our taxes. That took a lot of time and consumed my laptop, which is where I usually write. Work has been pretty hectic and stressful lately. I guess I took a bit of a break so I wouldn't come here to whine and complain.

*WARNING: More whining and complaining ahead...

Toward the end of this week, things were looking up. Although E is still coughing, he is much better and feeling human again. My throat started feeling scratchy yesterday and by last night, I was sick. Feverish, achy, sore throat, headache. Grrr. Having been so sick in February and seeing how many days E lost, I can not have this happen right now. So, I've been loading up on vitamins, water, fruit, tea, and various other remedies. And sleeping A LOT. Speaking of which, I'm heading back to bed.

Hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow and be able to do some fun things this weekend that I can report on.


Anonymous said...

Feel better soon. *hugs*

SJ said...

You and I seem to have a synchronised illness cycle going on. I'm sick at the moment - and I think the last time I was ill, you were too...

Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope you're recovering quickly!

Anonymous said...

Yup. Seems to be the thing to do now. I was sick earlier in the week, and now Cathy and Lucinda are both sick. And Ripley got kennel cough.

madretz said...

Being sick sucks, I'm so sorry. Get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, I hope you feel better quickly!

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