E did not progress to the speedcabling finals, but he had fun. It was an intense contest and, as someone else proposed, possibly the most athletic event that has occurred in the space that attracts nerds and geeks.
On a completely different note, thank you for the comments, emails, and phone calls regarding Cosette. It's been stressful, but she is doing better. While she still has a head tilt, it is not nearly as pronounced. The nystagmus (back and forth eye movement) is also better. We've been keeping her confined, initially in her crate and now in our hallway that is blocked by doors and a baby gate. She is still unsteady on her feet and wobbles and circles, but is falling less. The plan is to keep her safe at this point though, so I carry her outside in her crate every so often so she can potty and lie in the grass, which she really enjoys.
It's a relief and a good sign that Cosette's personality has remained intact. She was definitely more "out of it" two days ago, but never lost her appetite and has been quite affectionate. Today she returned to being downright feisty, which I could not be more thrilled about. She's just frustrated at not being able to go wherever she wants to right now. I keep telling her, "It's for your own good," but I'm not sure she's buying it.
On a completely different note, thank you for the comments, emails, and phone calls regarding Cosette. It's been stressful, but she is doing better. While she still has a head tilt, it is not nearly as pronounced. The nystagmus (back and forth eye movement) is also better. We've been keeping her confined, initially in her crate and now in our hallway that is blocked by doors and a baby gate. She is still unsteady on her feet and wobbles and circles, but is falling less. The plan is to keep her safe at this point though, so I carry her outside in her crate every so often so she can potty and lie in the grass, which she really enjoys.
It's a relief and a good sign that Cosette's personality has remained intact. She was definitely more "out of it" two days ago, but never lost her appetite and has been quite affectionate. Today she returned to being downright feisty, which I could not be more thrilled about. She's just frustrated at not being able to go wherever she wants to right now. I keep telling her, "It's for your own good," but I'm not sure she's buying it.
Sorry about your doggy. Very sweet pic. Hope she gets better soon.
Oh poor Cosette! Reminds me of the dog I had as I kid. Glad to hear there's some good progress.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Cosette! I've been a very bad blog reader so I'm just now catching up on your latest.
I'm glad she is doing better. One thing about animals ... they live life to the full whether they are in good or bad health. Not like us humans.
Oh my gosh! I was out of town for a while and hadn't been keeping up on my blog reading. I'm glad to hear that it wasn't a stroke and that Cosette is doing better! She's in our thoughts and hope she continues to get better. Gabby said "woof grrwoof arf". not really sure what that means, but I'm thinking it's along the lines of get well soon....?
hope cosette gets better. i was a wreck when my cat cordy had a health issue as well. our pets are part of our family...
Our older dog Shadow began exhibiting these same symptoms in November. She still has a head tilt and is sometimes unsteady on her feet but otherwise is doing fine now.
You've probably already found out about
Canine Vestibular syndrome. but if not here's a link:
I am so glad Cosette is doing better. You and her have both been on my heart.
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