

Wheel In The Sky Keeps On Turnin'

Peeking Out From The Covers

What a great hamster

Who knew one could be a muse?
My sweet boy Ami

Ami came to live with me on February 14, 2006. He was the first hamster I ever had as a pet. I learned a lot from Ami and he inspired my creativity in ways I could never have predicted. My photography skills improved, I self-published my first book, Hamster Haiku, and I've made and sold various hamster related crafts. Ami made me happy with his simple, funny ways. And don't forget, he was a two-time hamster ball derby champion!

Ami And His Blue Ribbon

Ami died sometime in the early hours of September 21, 2008. He was simply old and his heart stopped. There appeared to be no trauma and no suffering. Lately, he had been sleeping more and slowing down, as is expected for an elderly hamster. I feel like I gave him a good life and he gave much more to me than he could ever know. His tiny paw prints definitely left a mark on my heart and I miss him terribly.

Santa Ami

Actual hat. Not photoshopped!

Click here if you'd like to see more photos of Ami.


madretz said...

Jodi, I'm so very sorry. I know how much he meant to you and how much your pets are a part of your heart. You're in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

he was super cute, i'm not surprised he was an inspiration for you!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Jodi *hugs* He was the cutest hamster ever! You gave him the best life a hamster could ever have. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Aw. Sad. He was a good little hamster.

~'Actual hat, not photoshopped.' is my new favorite phrase.

Darlene said...

Good bye little, Ami.

Sizzle said...

I'm so sorry he's gone. He sounds like he was a very good pet.

Keely Van Brocklin Emery said...

Sorry for your loss. Sounds like Ami was a special little guy. *Hugs*

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about this. But it does sound like the two of you had a good time together.

Ms. Nidoog said...

Sorry to hear the bad news. I know how hard it is to lose a pet.

Sarah said...

He was ADORABLE!! I'm so sorry.

Caveman said...

I had a dream recently where both our hamsters were talking to each other about us.

Ami had nothing but stunning things to say about you. Ophelia called me an ass-hat...

Shayne said...

Oh, Jodi, I am so so sorry. Sending love your way from Barry and me.

TiggerLarue said...

I am so sorry, Jodi. He was absolutely adorable and very photogenic :0) It was obvious he was very loved. Take care.
P.S. Gabby sends hugs.

Nanette said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

Oh J, am so sorry....what a beam of fuzzy love for the Kurland home he has been....


Caterpillar Girl said...

Goodbye dear Ami.

Brenda Griffith said...

I am sorry that I had to hunt up this past post to find out the details on the demise of Ami. I first found out about it when I read about Penny. I am so sorry, and, late as it is, I send hugs and condolences your way. You were the best companion a hamster ever had.

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